Tuesday 3 September 2013

Orlistat Capsules 60mg (Orlitac 60mg) Side Effects

Orlistat Capsules 60mg come with a patient information booklet that should be read carefully. The most common side effect of Orlistat Capsules 60mg is changes in bowel movement (BM) habits. This generally occurs during the first weeks of treatment; however, it may continue throughout your use of Orlistat Capsules 60mg. Some of the rare side effects are oily spotting on underwear or on clothing, gas with oily spotting, urgent need to have a bowel movement, loose stools, oily or fatty stools, increased number of bowel movements, difficulty controlling bowel movements, pain or discomfort in the rectum (bottom), stomach pain, irregular menstrual periods, headache, anxiety etc. Call your doctor, if you have any unusual problems while taking Orlistat Capsules 60mg.

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